Integrating IP2Location C Library With D Programming Language

The aim of this guide is to demonstrate integrating the IP2Location C library within the D programming language. In our example, we will be using the Linux environment.

First of all, you will need to install the IP2Location C library.
Follow the instructions at to install the IP2Location C library.

Next, install the D compiler on your Linux. We are using the DMD compiler.
Follow the instructions at to install the DMD compiler.

Next, you will need to download the IP2Location BIN file.
Download at

Extract out the BIN file and copy to the folder where you will store your D codes.

Creating the D codes

Create a text file called IP2Location.d and paste the following codes into it. Our example uses the DB24 BIN file.

The code does the following:

  1. Dynamically loads the IP2Location C library for use in the D codes.
  2. Exposing the required functions from the IP2Location C library.
  3. Initializing the IP2Location object with the specified BIN database path.
  4. Performing geolocation query for the specified IP address and displaying the results.
  5. Performs cleanup and unload the IP2Location C library.

NOTE: Modify the dbLit variable to store your own path to your BIN database file. Modify the ipAddressLit variable to store the IP address you wish to query.

module IP2Location;
import std.stdio;
import core.stdc.string;
import core.sys.posix.dlfcn;
extern (C)
    struct IP2Location {
        FILE *filehandle;
        ubyte databasetype;
        ubyte databasecolumn;
        ubyte databaseday;
        ubyte databasemonth;
        ubyte databaseyear;
        uint databasecount;
        uint databaseaddr;
        uint ipversion;
        uint ipv4databasecount;
        uint ipv4databaseaddr;
        uint ipv6databasecount;
        uint ipv6databaseaddr;
        uint ipv4indexbaseaddr;
        uint ipv6indexbaseaddr;
    struct IP2LocationRecord {
        char* country_short;
        char* country_long;
        char* region;
        char* city;
        char* isp;
        float latitude;
        float longitude;
        char* domain;
        char* zipcode;
        char* timezone;
        char* netspeed;
        char* iddcode;
        char* areacode;
        char* weatherstationcode;
        char* weatherstationname;
        char* mcc;
        char* mnc;
        char* mobilebrand;
        float elevation;
        char* usagetype;
    enum IP2Location_mem_type {
int main() {
    // load the IP2Location C library
    auto lib = dlopen("".ptr, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
    if (lib is null) {
        return -1;
    // exposing the required functions from the IP2Location C library
    extern (C) IP2Location* function(const char* db) IP2Location_open = cast(IP2Location* function(const char* db))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_open");
    extern (C) int function(IP2Location* loc, IP2Location_mem_type mem_type) IP2Location_open_mem = cast(int function(IP2Location* loc, IP2Location_mem_type mem_type))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_open_mem");
    extern (C) int function(IP2Location* loc) IP2Location_close = cast(int function(IP2Location* loc))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_close");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_country_short = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_country_short");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_country_long = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_country_long");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_region = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_region");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_city = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_city");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_isp = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_isp");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_latitude = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_latitude");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_longitude = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_longitude");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_domain = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_domain");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_zipcode = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_zipcode");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_timezone = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_timezone");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_netspeed = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_netspeed");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_iddcode = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_iddcode");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_areacode = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_areacode");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_weatherstationcode = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_weatherstationcode");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_weatherstationname = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_weatherstationname");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_mcc = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_mcc");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_mnc = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_mnc");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_mobilebrand = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_mobilebrand");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_elevation = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_elevation");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_usagetype = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_usagetype");
    extern (C) IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip) IP2Location_get_all = cast(IP2LocationRecord* function(IP2Location* loc, const char* ip))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_get_all");
    extern (C) void function(IP2LocationRecord* record) IP2Location_free_record = cast(void function(IP2LocationRecord* record))dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_free_record");
    extern (C) void function() IP2Location_delete_shm = cast(void function())dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_delete_shm");
    extern (C) ulong function() IP2Location_api_version_num = cast(ulong function())dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_api_version_num");
    extern (C) char* function() IP2Location_api_version_string = cast(char* function())dlsym(lib, "IP2Location_api_version_string");
    // the path to the IP2Location BIN database (modify this to your own path)
    // IP address to query (modify this to the IP address you wish to query)
    string ipAddressLit = "";
    // converting string literal to char pointer for use with IP2Location functions
    const char *ipAddress = ipAddressLit.dup.ptr;
    const char* db = dbLit.dup.ptr;
    // initializing the IP2Location object with BIN database path
    IP2Location* IP2LocationObj = IP2Location_open(db);
    if (IP2LocationObj is null) {
        printf("Please install the database in the correct path.\n");
        return -1;
    // uncomment this section if you want to load BIN database into cached memory
    // if (IP2Location_open_mem(IP2LocationObj, IP2Location_mem_type.IP2LOCATION_CACHE_MEMORY) == -1) {
        // printf("Unable to load data into cache memory.\n");
        // return -1;
    // }
    // uncomment this section if you want to load BIN database into shared memory
    // if (IP2Location_open_mem(IP2LocationObj, IP2Location_mem_type.IP2LOCATION_SHARED_MEMORY) == -1) {
        // printf("Unable to load data into shared memory.\n");
        // return -1;
    // }
    // performs IP2Location geolocation query for the specified IP address
    IP2LocationRecord* record = null;
    record = IP2Location_get_all(IP2LocationObj, ipAddress);
    // display results if IP address is found in the BIN database
    if (record is null) {
        printf("Unable to locate IP address in the current database.\n");
    else {
        printf("IP Address: %s\n", ipAddress);
        printf("Country Code: %s\n", record.country_short);
        printf("Country Name: %s\n", record.country_long);
        printf("Region: %s\n", record.region);
        printf("City: %s\n",;
        printf("ISP: %s\n", record.isp);
        printf("Latitude: %f\n", record.latitude);
        printf("Longitude: %f\n", record.longitude);
        printf("Domain: %s\n", record.domain);
        printf("ZIP Code: %s\n", record.zipcode);
        printf("Timezone: %s\n", record.timezone);
        printf("Netspeed: %s\n", record.netspeed);
        printf("IDD Code: %s\n", record.iddcode);
        printf("Area Code: %s\n", record.areacode);
        printf("Weather Station Code: %s\n", record.weatherstationcode);
        printf("Weather Station Name: %s\n", record.weatherstationname);
        printf("MCC: %s\n", record.mcc);
        printf("MNC: %s\n", record.mnc);
        printf("Mobile Brand: %s\n", record.mobilebrand);
        printf("Elevation: %f\n", record.elevation);
        printf("Usage Type: %s\n", record.usagetype);
        printf("API Version (String): %s\n", IP2Location_api_version_string());
    // free any allocated memory
    // close BIN database file handle
    // delete shared memory if it was used
    // unload the IP2Location C library
    if (dlclose(lib) == 0) {
        return 0;
    else {
        return -1;

Compiling the IP2Location.d

At the command prompt, run the following command:

dmd IP2Location.d

Run the program

At the command prompt, run the following command:


You should see something like below if everything goes well.

D Programming Language

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