IP2Proxy Nmap Script

The IP2Proxy Nmap Script allows users to query an IP address to determine if it was being used as virtual private networks (VPN), open proxies, web proxies, Tor exits, data center & web hosting ranges (DCH), search engine robots (SES), residential proxies (RES), consumer privacy networks (CPN), and enterprise private networks (EPN) by using IP2Proxy database with IP2Proxy Lua Package.


  1. Follow the steps in the README.MD in the GitHub repository.
  2. Get the proxy information as simple as using the following command: nmap --script ip-proxy-ip2proxy <target> --script-args ip-proxy-ip2proxy.ip2proxy_db=<database_path> Replace the <target> with the IP address and the <database_path> with the file path of the database.

    Note: Windows user need to replace the single backslash(\) with the double backslashes (\\) in the file path to make sure that the file path is interpreted correctly by Nmap.
  3. Screenshot of the output: