IP2Location IP Geolocation Kotlin Module

This IP Geolocation module is the Kotlin programming language module to support all IP2Location™ database products. It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization. Developers can use the module to query all IP2Location™ binary databases for applications written using the Kotlin programming language.

Sample Codes
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
import com.google.gson.JsonObject
import java.lang.Exception

object Main {
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        try {
            val strIPAddress = ""

            // querying with the BIN file
            val useMMF = true

            var loc = IP2Location()
            loc.open(dbPath, useMMF)

            var rec = loc.ipQuery(strIPAddress)

            when (rec.status) {
                "OK" -> println(rec)
                "EMPTY_IP_ADDRESS" -> println("IP address cannot be blank.")
                "INVALID_IP_ADDRESS" -> println("Invalid IP address.")
                "MISSING_FILE" -> println("Invalid database path.")
                "IPV6_NOT_SUPPORTED" -> println("This BIN does not contain IPv6 data.")
                else -> println("Unknown error." + rec.status)

            // querying with the web service
            val ws = IP2LocationWebService()
            val strAPIKey = "XXXXXXXXXX" // replace this with your IP2Location Web Service API key
            val strPackage = "WS25"
            val addOn = arrayOf("continent", "country", "region", "city", "geotargeting", "country_groupings", "time_zone_info")
            val strLang = "es"
            val boolSSL = true
            ws.open(strAPIKey, strPackage, boolSSL)
            var myResult: JsonObject = ws.ipQuery(strIPAddress, addOn, strLang)
            if (myResult["response"] == null) {
                // standard results
                println("country_code: " + if (myResult["country_code"] != null) myResult["country_code"].asString else "")
                println("country_name: " + if (myResult["country_name"] != null) myResult["country_name"].asString else "")
                println("region_name: " + if (myResult["region_name"] != null) myResult["region_name"].asString else "")
                println("city_name: " + if (myResult["city_name"] != null) myResult["city_name"].asString else "")
                println("latitude: " + if (myResult["latitude"] != null) myResult["latitude"].asString else "")
                println("longitude: " + if (myResult["longitude"] != null) myResult["longitude"].asString else "")
                println("zip_code: " + if (myResult["zip_code"] != null) myResult["zip_code"].asString else "")
                println("time_zone: " + if (myResult["time_zone"] != null) myResult["time_zone"].asString else "")
                println("isp: " + if (myResult["isp"] != null) myResult["isp"].asString else "")
                println("domain: " + if (myResult["domain"] != null) myResult["domain"].asString else "")
                println("net_speed: " + if (myResult["net_speed"] != null) myResult["net_speed"].asString else "")
                println("idd_code: " + if (myResult["idd_code"] != null) myResult["idd_code"].asString else "")
                println("area_code: " + if (myResult["area_code"] != null) myResult["area_code"].asString else "")
                println("weather_station_code: " + if (myResult["weather_station_code"] != null) myResult["weather_station_code"].asString else "")
                println("weather_station_name: " + if (myResult["weather_station_name"] != null) myResult["weather_station_name"].asString else "")
                println("mcc: " + if (myResult["mcc"] != null) myResult["mcc"].asString else "")
                println("mnc: " + if (myResult["mnc"] != null) myResult["mnc"].asString else "")
                println("mobile_brand: " + if (myResult["mobile_brand"] != null) myResult["mobile_brand"].asString else "")
                println("elevation: " + if (myResult["elevation"] != null) myResult["elevation"].asString else "")
                println("usage_type: " + if (myResult["usage_type"] != null) myResult["usage_type"].asString else "")
                println("address_type: " + if (myResult["address_type"] != null) myResult["address_type"].asString else "")
                println("category: " + if (myResult["category"] != null) myResult["category"].asString else "")
                println("category_name: " + if (myResult["category_name"] != null) myResult["category_name"].asString else "")
                println("credits_consumed: " + if (myResult["credits_consumed"] != null) myResult["credits_consumed"].asString else "")

                // continent addon
                if (myResult["continent"] != null) {
                    val continentObj = myResult.getAsJsonObject("continent")
                    println("continent => name: " + continentObj["name"].asString)
                    println("continent => code: " + continentObj["code"].asString)
                    val myArr = continentObj.getAsJsonArray("hemisphere")
                    println("continent => hemisphere: $myArr")
                    println("continent => translations: " + continentObj.getAsJsonObject("translations")[strLang].asString)

                // country addon
                if (myResult["country"] != null) {
                    val countryObj = myResult.getAsJsonObject("country")
                    println("country => name: " + countryObj["name"].asString)
                    println("country => alpha3_code: " + countryObj["alpha3_code"].asString)
                    println("country => numeric_code: " + countryObj["numeric_code"].asString)
                    println("country => demonym: " + countryObj["demonym"].asString)
                    println("country => flag: " + countryObj["flag"].asString)
                    println("country => capital: " + countryObj["capital"].asString)
                    println("country => total_area: " + countryObj["total_area"].asString)
                    println("country => population: " + countryObj["population"].asString)
                    println("country => idd_code: " + countryObj["idd_code"].asString)
                    println("country => tld: " + countryObj["tld"].asString)
                    println("country => translations: " + countryObj.getAsJsonObject("translations")[strLang].asString)
                    val currencyObj = countryObj.getAsJsonObject("currency")
                    println("country => currency => code: " + currencyObj["code"].asString)
                    println("country => currency => name: " + currencyObj["name"].asString)
                    println("country => currency => symbol: " + currencyObj["symbol"].asString)
                    val languageObj = countryObj.getAsJsonObject("language")
                    println("country => language => code: " + languageObj["code"].asString)
                    println("country => language => name: " + languageObj["name"].asString)

                // region addon
                if (myResult["region"] != null) {
                    val regionObj = myResult.getAsJsonObject("region")
                    println("region => name: " + regionObj["name"].asString)
                    println("region => code: " + regionObj["code"].asString)
                    println("region => translations: " + regionObj.getAsJsonObject("translations")[strLang].asString)

                // city addon
                if (myResult["city"] != null) {
                    val cityObj = myResult.getAsJsonObject("city")
                    println("city => name: " + cityObj["name"].asString)
                    println("city => translations: " + cityObj.getAsJsonArray("translations").toString())

                // geotargeting addon
                if (myResult["geotargeting"] != null) {
                    val geoObj = myResult.getAsJsonObject("geotargeting")
                    println("geotargeting => metro: " + geoObj["metro"].asString)

                // country_groupings addon
                if (myResult["country_groupings"] != null) {
                    val myArr = myResult.getAsJsonArray("country_groupings")
                    if (myArr.size() > 0) {
                        for (x in 0 until myArr.size()) {
                            println("country_groupings => #" + x + " => acronym: " + myArr[x].asJsonObject["acronym"].asString)
                            println("country_groupings => #" + x + " => name: " + myArr[x].asJsonObject["name"].asString)

                // time_zone_info addon
                if (myResult["time_zone_info"] != null) {
                    val tzObj = myResult.getAsJsonObject("time_zone_info")
                    println("time_zone_info => olson: " + tzObj["olson"].asString)
                    println("time_zone_info => current_time: " + tzObj["current_time"].asString)
                    println("time_zone_info => gmt_offset: " + tzObj["gmt_offset"].asString)
                    println("time_zone_info => is_dst: " + tzObj["is_dst"].asString)
                    println("time_zone_info => sunrise: " + tzObj["sunrise"].asString)
                    println("time_zone_info => sunset: " + tzObj["sunset"].asString)
            } else {
                println("Error: " + myResult["response"].asString)
            myResult = ws.getCredit()
            if (myResult["response"] != null) {
                println("Credit balance: " + myResult["response"].asString)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
Sample IP2Location Databases (BIN)
Sample Packages - BIN File IPv4 IPv6
IP2Location DB1 Download (883.12 kB) Download (952.34 kB)
IP2Location DB2 Download (31.58 MB) Download (32.35 MB)
IP2Location DB3 Download (21.33 MB) Download (21.43 MB)
IP2Location DB4 Download (50.81 MB) Download (50.95 MB)
IP2Location DB5 Download (32.35 MB) Download (32.50 MB)
IP2Location DB6 Download (61.34 MB) Download (61.50 MB)
IP2Location DB7 Download (56.96 MB) Download (57.08 MB)
IP2Location DB8 Download (67.73 MB) Download (67.90 MB)
IP2Location DB9 Download (37.33 MB) Download (37.50 MB)
IP2Location DB10 Download (73.41 MB) Download (73.68 MB)
IP2Location DB11 Download (38.07 MB) Download (38.25 MB)
IP2Location DB12 Download (74.05 MB) Download (74.31 MB)
IP2Location DB13 Download (36.39 MB) Download (36.52 MB)
IP2Location DB14 Download (75.60 MB) Download (75.78 MB)
IP2Location DB15 Download (41.34 MB) Download (41.50 MB)
IP2Location DB16 Download (80.38 MB) Download (80.46 MB)
IP2Location DB17 Download (44.05 MB) Download (44.23 MB)
IP2Location DB18 Download (87.95 MB) Download (88.16 MB)
IP2Location DB19 Download (70.72 MB) Download (70.88 MB)
IP2Location DB20 Download (90.63 MB) Download (90.89 MB)
IP2Location DB21 Download (45.00 MB) Download (45.14 MB)
IP2Location DB22 Download (94.95 MB) Download (95.26 MB)
IP2Location DB23 Download (71.23 MB) Download (71.45 MB)
IP2Location DB24 Download (95.90 MB) Download (96.42 MB)
IP2Location DB25 Download (98.34 MB) Download (98.61 MB)
IP2Location DB26 Download (105.15 MB) Download (105.40 MB)
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